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National Rural Network


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Traditional Products List

Traditonal Products List was created on the grounds of the Act on registeration and protection of agricultural products and foodstuffs and trtaditional products of 17 December 2004 (Dz.U. 2005, no 10, item 68 and 2008, no 171, item 1056 and 2009 no 216, item 1368). The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in cooperation with the Marshals of voivodeships are responsible for the List. Products whose qualities or unique features and properties result from traditional methods of production, are part of the cultural heritage of the region where they are produced and constitute part of the local comminity’s indentity are registered on the List. Traditional methods of production mean methods that have been in use for over 25 years.

Registration on the List does not grant any protection to the product. It only informs that the product has met the above requirements. Registration on the List is not connected with any product control and it does not give any extra rights to producers. Those who applied for registration receive a written information confirming the registration of that product which is not a certificate. Traditonal Products List was created to identify and promote products produced by traditional methods.

More detailed information are available on the MARD website.

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