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Outline of the directions of rural development

The document "Outline of the rural areas development directions” adopted on February 3, 2009 defines  the desirable directions of the rural areas sustainable  development and facilitates the co-ordination and conformity of the rural areas development tools within the framework of Common Rural Policy as well as the cohesion policy. It is the partial document - the intermediate stage in the process of creating the target document "Directions of the rural areas development". It will apply to the present programming period 2007-2013/15 and to the period after 2015 as well.

"Outline of the rural areas development directions” is convergent to the hitherto existing strategic documents created in CDR, and is their completion and development. It takes into consideration the dynamic changes that have been taking place in Poland (and its rural areas) after its access to the UE.

Considering the fact that, the rural areas development needs wide co-operation of the state administration, self-government administration and civil organisations, the document "Outline of the rural areas development directions” was sent to the members of the Cabinet and to the voivodships marshals.

Outline of the directions of rural development (in Polish)

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