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National Rural Network


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National Rural Network

Examples of implemented projects (pdf 466kB)

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the basis of the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), Commission Regulation (EC) No 1974/2006 of 15 December 2006 laying down detailed rules for application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and Rural Development Programme (RDP) for 2007-2013, is obliged to create structure of the National Rural Development Network (NRDP) till 31 December 2008. According to RDP 2007-2013, NRDP has an open character. The NRDN structure brings together administrative structures (at the local, regional and national levels) and other stakeholders that contribute to rural development and have a direct or indirect impact on a better use of EAFRD instruments. First of all they will be government administration bodies, inter alia, voivodeship, commune and poviat self-governments, branch organizations, cooperative organizations, agricultural chambers, institutes reporting to ministries, NGOs, research and development centres, state agricultural advisory units, nature conservation services, Local Action Groups as well as networks and partnerships thereof. To ensure the correct operation of the Network, the list of administrative structures and stakeholders engaged in rural development has been compiled. Subjects which play an active part in rural development and which express their willingness to receive and deliver information in this respect can be NRDN members.

The main structure of NRN in Poland consists of the National Network Unit (in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) and 16 Regional Network Units (at Marshall Offices of voivodships) which are to ensure proper operation of NRDN. The Central Secretariat is responsible, among other things, for coordination of NRN works, coordination of creating and running the Networks’ web page and facilitating contacts among the Network participants and inter-regional cooperation.

The basis for achieving NRDN objectives that is “support for implementation and evaluation of rural development policy and identification, analysis, dissemination and exchange of information and knowledge of rural development among all stakeholders at local, regional, national or Community levels” are measures under the NRN action plans drawn up for two-year periods by the Central Secretariat in cooperation with 16 Regional Secretariats.

According to Article 68(2)(b) of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013, the NRN Action Plan sets out, inter alia, the following measures under which detailed tasks are implemented:

  • identification and analysis of good practices in rural development that can be transferred and transmission of information thereon;
  • transfer of good practices, innovative projects and organization of the exchange of experiences and know-how;
  • preparation of training programmes for LAGs under creation, including the exchange of experiences between Local Action Groups;
  • network management;
  • technical assistance for inter-regional and trans-national cooperation;
  • support for inter-institutional cooperation, including international cooperation;
  • exchange of knowledge and evaluation of rural development policy.

To carry out the aforementioned tasks, meetings, training courses, seminars and expert networks are organized. Furthermore, the NRDN Internet portal will be created. In addition, the NRN Action Plan lays down objectives of measures, a framework schedule of measures and an indicative budget (a financial plan broken down into particular measures). The budget of the National Rural Development Network is planned at EUR 55 million and is ensured under Technical Assistance of RDP 2007-2013. It includes expenditure on the operation of NRDN structure such as the costs of the organization and operation of the NRDN National Network Unit (within organizational structure of MARD), regional units – EUR 11 million expenditure on implementation of tasks under the network (in accordance with the NRN Action Plan) – EUR 44 million.

To specify the NRN priorities and recommendations for actions and to monitor NRDN activities on a current basis the Working Group is appointed. It consists of representatives of central and local administration and representatives of organizations and institutions engaged in rural development. The task of the Working Group is to appoint thematic working groups and to manage their work. Experts and representatives of other institutions invited by the chairman can take part in meetings of the Working Group.

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