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National Rural Network


events archive

21st Fair - Touristic Sites WHERE CULTURES MEET

Start date: 13 March, End date 15 March

More informations: http://www.targi.lodz.pl/en/fairs/282-21st-fair-touristic-sites-where-cultures-meet/info/
European Rural Days

Start date: 18 November, End date 19 November

  On 18 and 19th November 2010 the Walloon and Dutch Rural Networks will organize the European Rural Days. We offer a interesting combined program for international participants to join both the Conference on Management of Environmental Public Goods in Wallonia and the Conference on Rural Entrepreneurship in the Kempen. The European...
Romania - Semi-subsistence farming in the EU

Start date: 13 October, End date 15 October

The seminar was initially planned for 21-23 April, 2010, but because of the problems with air transport the organisators decided to postpone it. During the seminar there will be several workshops which will be devoted to following topics: <typolist> semi-subsistence farming concepts and key issues, including understanding the meaning of...
International Agricultural Fair CNEMA

Start date: 23 July, End date 27 July

An outdoor exhibition of machinery, livestock breeding, forestry, the agrifood industry, horticulture, study, research, education, culture and more. Between 23 and 26th of July the stationary exhibition will be available. On 27th July the mowing demonstrations are planned.
CAP after 2013

Start date: 19 July, End date 20 July

A conference is organized by European Commission and will gather leading representatives and stakeholders from the agricultural sector. The aim of the conference is to bring together the varied elements of contributions presented during the public debate on "The Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 – Your ideas matter" and to provide...
Evaluation und evidence based planning

Date: 2 July,

A workshop devoted to methodology of planning. Available in German
Expert Committee on Evaluation of Rural Development Programmes

Date: 2 July,

    Fifth meeting of the Expert Committee on  Evaluation of Rural Development Programmes       
Finland - study tour

Start date: 29 June, End date 4 July

Study tour to Finland for Local Action Groups.   
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