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National Rural Network


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Written analyses and research

Determinants and mechanisms for sustainable development in rural areas - analysis of attitudes of young people from rural areas in entrepreneurship and innovation, and the possibility of their use for local development – Report for the development and implementation of research under the flagship project "Sustainable rural development - the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region” – Research team of the Department of Rural and Urban Sociology, University of Lodz, Poland, led by prof. Elżbieta Psyk-Piotrowska: Ewa Gabryelak, Ewelina Gwara, Pamela Jeziorska-Biel, Agnieszka Kretek-Kamińska, Ewelina Sudra, PhD Katarzyna Zajda, 2015. The main objectives of the research are: identification and assessment of attitudes of rural youth in entrepreneurship and innovation as well as evaluation of the use of these approaches for local development.

Self-evaluation of young people from rural areas in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation vs. stimulants and destimulants of local development - Ewelina Sudra, Ewelina Gwara, Katarzyna Zajda, Department of Rural and Urban Sociology, Institute of Sociology, University of Lodz, Poland, 2015.

The objective of the paper is the depiction of self-evaluation of young people in rural areas as regards their entrepreneurial ambitions and aspirations regarding their position on the labor market. Starting from the characteristics of stimulants and destimulants of local development, the measurement of self-esteem in this regard among research participants will allow to assess whether it is a stimulant or a destimulants of local development. The conclusions are based on the conducted research: “Determinants and mechanisms for sustainable development in rural areas - identification evaluation of the attitudes among young people from rural areas in entrepreneurship and innovation, and the possibility of their use for local development"

Methodological report for the development and implementation of research “Determinants and mechanisms for sustainable development in rural areas - analysis of attitudes of young people from rural areas in entrepreneurship and innovation, and the possibility of their use for local development” under the flagship project "Sustainable rural development - the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region”. The concept of research and research tools to implement and perform within the flagship project - Department of Rural and Urban Sociology, Institute of Sociology, University of Lodz, Poland, 2014.

EU Funds as a form of support for young entrepreneurs in Polish rural areas - Ewelina Ewa Dzikowska, Ewa Gabryelak, Department of Rural and Urban Sociology, University of Lodz, Poland, 2014. The purpose of this article is, to highlight the importance of entrepreneurial attitudes and behavior in pursuit towards a permanent multilevel development of rural areas and preventing their marginalization. The entities considered to be responsible for entrepreneurial behavior in the countryside, are the young people living there. In their discourse, the authors focus on the factors that motivate and facilitate economic activity among young people in rural areas, as well as characterize the existing development – related barriers and stress their negative impact on entrepreneurship of young people. The article highlights the important role of the EU funds as a strong incentive to create one’s own, often very innovative business.

Determinants of rural youth entrepreneurship in view of literature – Pamela Jeziorska-Biel, Ewelina Sudra, Department of Rural and Urban Sociology, University of Lodz, Poland, 2014. The purpose of this article is having provided an outline what entrepreneurship is by definition, to draw attention to the factors that are conductive to the development of the phenomenon, as well as to show the barriers that hinder entrepreneurial attitudes among young people in rural areas. The analysis of accessible sources allowed only to construe certain statements that still need to be verified in research regarding the potential for  entrepreneurial young people from the countryside.

A flagship project report Support, methods and systems - “Sustainable rural development through youth participation, innovation and entrepreneurship 2012-2015”. The report presents methods and support systems for rural youth in the Baltic Sea region: Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden.

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