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National Rural Network


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Seminar dedicated to the flagship project "Sustainable rural development" EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region 26 -27 October 2010, Warsaw, Poland

from left: Maria Szemplińska, Hans-Olof Stålgren, Marian Zalewski, Julian Krzyżanowski, Marcin Zieliński

The flagship project "Sustainable Rural Development" within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region focuses on two main areas of co-operation: rural youth and innovation in rural areas – how to create an innovation friendly climate. The project is implemented by cooperation between National Rural Networks, especially Local Action Groups but other rural actors are not excluded.

The meeting gave the possibility to discuss further steps of the flagship project. The starting point for this discussion was an exchange of ideas particularly views of researches dealing with rural youth and presentations of selected projects.

Representatives of Member States from the Baltic Sea Region, mainly   National Rural Networks (LV, EE, FI, DK, SE) and representatives from Poland participated  in the seminar.

  • 26th October 2010

Opening, Mr. Marian Zalewski, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the flagship project – “Sustainable Rural Development"; the flagship project – the state of play:  Maria Szemplińska, Hans-Olof Stålgren

Rural youth

Presentation by prof.  Peter Waara

Presentation by prof. Krystyna Szafraniec

Rural youth – presentations of small projects and discussion

                            Presentation by Piret Leskova (EE)

                            Presentation by Katrzyna Boczek                                  

Creation of friendly environment for innovations in rural areas

Presentation by Stamatios Christopoulos (Ecovillages)

Presentation by Piotr Idziak (Thematic villages)

Innovation – presentations of small projects and discussions

                            Presentation by Malle Rooba (EE)

                            Presentation by Hanna Kolińska

The flagship project – conclusion; ideas for future; discussion

  • 27th October 2010 (Institute of Technology and Life Science, Falenty)  

Presentation of Institute activities (presentation by prof Wiesław Dembek)

Baltic Compass project (presentation by prof Waldemar Mioduszewski)

Presentations of small projects:

Presentation by Małgorzata Langiewicz (LAG Leśny Krąg)

Presentation by Kadri Püü (Tartu Rural Development Association)

Presentation by Agnieszka Kogucik (Zaułek Benowo)

Presentation by Eugeniusz Kowalski (LAG Białowieża)

Presentation by Marek Jobda (OTOP - Polish Bird Protection Association)

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