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National Rural Network


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Meeting of the flagship project "Sustainable Rural Development", EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (25 -26 January 2011, Warsaw)

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The Warsaw meeting took place between 25-26 January 2011. It was a further step forward towards fuller co-operation, following a recent seminar in Warsaw held on the 26-27 October 2010 and a workshop held during a meeting of Priority 9 of EUSBSR in Helsinki on the 18 November 2010.

Before meeting each country was asked to select two projects targeting rural youth and a good innovative climate in rural areas which could serve as good examples. Taking into account the vision of this flagship,  projects of the following categories were especially invited to be presented:

  • Supporting young people in creating a vision for a rural future;
  • Gathering young people together to describe their future dream village;
  • Connecting young people, researchers and practitioners;
  • Training young people to be innovative;
  • Creating a support network for young people (and others) to continue to be innovators.

The objective of the meeting was to present each of the two projects selected by each country and to discuss a common agenda on, how the different projects can interact and possible future activities within the flagship project.

Participating in the meeting were representatives from Estonia, Finland; Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and Poland including key people responsible for projects and representatives of National Rural Network or Ministry of Agriculture.

The content of the meeting was as follows:

25th January 2011

Introductory comments: Waldemar Guba; Deputy Director of Department of European Union and International Co-operation; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Poland

State of play of the flagship project. Discussion. Maria Szemplińska - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Poland, Hans-Olof Stålgren - Swedish National Rural Network;

“Youth in Action” Programme; Magdalena Paszkowska – National Agency of the Youth in Action Programme;

Introduction to the game “Peasant School of Business” - Piotr Idziak

26 th January 2011

Presentations of projects selected by each country:

  • Latvia, presented by Edgras Linde;
  • Estonia, presented by Kadri Püü
  • Estonia, presented by Heiki Vuntus;
  • Fenix project (common EE: FI: SE); presented by Taina Simola, Kaire Sardis, Marcus Mellqvist, Juho Tuovila;
  • Finland, presented by Laura Vinberg;
  • Lithuania, presented by Jonas Pupis;
  • Lithaunia, presented by Kristina Kazlauskaite-Zumariene;
  • Sweden, presented by Marcus Mellqvist;
  • Sweden, presented by Eva Nilsson;
  • Poland, presented by Marcin Skonieczka;
  • Poland; presented by Janina Skubik;

Future of the project - discussion Hans-Olof Stålgren, Maria Szemplińska


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