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National Rural Network


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Baltic Sea Strategy

The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region was adopted on October 26, 2009 during the session of the EU General Affairs and External Relations Council. That decision was officially confirmed by the European Council on October 29, 2009.

The Strategy’s declared goal is to activate the potential that has emerged in the Baltic Sea region as a result of UE enlargement in 2004. The goal is to be achieved through the execution of the following four thematic pillars:

  • a sustainable protection;
  • the region's prosperity;
  • accessibility of the region and its attractiveness;
  • assurance of the safety and security in the region.

The Strategy adoption does not involve any additional means for the Member States – the Commission did not offer additional financing or other resources. Creation of new institutions in order to implement the Strategy is also not expected. The Strategy realisation is to be associated with a.o. making the best use of available means within the framework of UE programmes, especially structural funds. The Strategy is characterised by the integrated approach.

The Strategy is a long-term document with the suggested prospect until 2020. It is expected that the Strategy review will take place during Polish presidency in the second half of 2011.

The Strategy is supplied with the Action Plan, in which 15 priority areas have been specified.

A Member State (usually one) was designated to each of the priority areas, and is responsible for co-ordination of putting into practice of the activities within them.

One of the activity types within the framework of the priority areas are so called flagship projects. To each of them the leader/leaders has been appointed. The leader (within the confines of chosen state(s)) could be various institutions such as ministries or agencies, institutes etc.

One of the flagship projects within the scope of Priority No 9 "To reinforce sustainability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries” is "Sustainable rural development" project.

Sweden and Poland have been appointed the leaders of this project. It is expected that the project will be implemented by National Rural Networks especially by the co-operation of Local Action Groups. The two topics were selected as the areas of co-operation within the flagship project:

  • youth in rural areas
  • innovation in rural areas - how to create an innovation friendly climate.

NRDN members and partners interested in collaboration are warmly welcome.

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