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National Rural Network


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Archive - Leader

Guidance for implementation of the LEADER co-operation activities in rural development Programmes 2014-2020, Updated: 19/11/2014 - download

Key lessons about cooperation under LEADER. Overview of results from the 2007-2013 period - download

Partnership Offer:
LAG Dunajec-Biała

  • Local product, local product promotion center - watch video
  • Tourism in rural areas, local travel agency - watch video

 Read offers: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Map of Local Action Groups - download

CLLD guidance for local actors - download

LAG Catalogue - LAGs and their activity in rural areas - download 

In Poland within the framework of  EAFRD there is implemented the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013, which apart from new measures includes in majority the measures implemented earlier by RDP 2004-2006 and SOP – Agriculture.

At the same time the existing hitherto Community Initiative LEADER +, which required separate programming documents, was incorporated in rural development programmes.
It means that Leader has become an approach, a mechanism for achieving objectives of these programmes. It has its good and bad points. For sure, such a solution will allow for wider application of the Leader method, that is projects implementation based on partnership of public, social and economic sectors and grass-roots system of decision - making. Moreover, integration of the Leader approach into rural development programmes opens up possibilities for more innovative and integrated implementation of the measures which have been  so far implemented in a traditional way. On the other hand, the Leader as one of the four axes of the Rural Development Programme must be subject to rules and regulations binding in the whole programme, which is not always an easy task.

Within the framework of the Programme there have been separated four priority axes:

  • priority Axis 1 (economic): support for competitiveness of agricultural and forestry sector,
  • priority Axis 2 (environmental): sustainable management of agricultural and forest land,
  • priority Axis 3 (social): economic diversification of rural areas and improvement of the quality of life in rural areas.

Additionally, there has been separated so - called Leader approach in order to strengthen grass-roots initiatives, exchange the best practices and activate rural communities. The Leader approach constitutes priority Axis 4. Its scope of implementation should be based mainly on the measures defined within the framework of 3 individual priority Axes.

Measures of Leader Axis 4:

  • Implementation of local development strategies;
  • Implementation of cooperation projects;
  • Functioning of a local action group, gaining skills and activation.

Within the framework of Leader Axis 4 there is 787 500 00 EUR to be used, out of which 630 000 000 EUR comes from EAFRD. Participation of EU funds (EAFRD) in financing the implementation of Axis 4 measures amounts to 80%. The remaining 20% constitute domestic public funds.

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