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National Rural Network


  Znajdź KSOW na:


Agricultural Producer Groups

Financial support

The objectives of Agricultural Producer Group:

  • Joint sale of products or groups of product manufactured in the holdings of group members, through the agency of the group;
  • Adjustment of agricultural production to market conditions;
  • Increasing the farmers’ income by reducing the costs and thanks to the possibility to plan and prepare large, homogeneous batches of high-quality;
  • Environmental protection.

Benefits of establishing producer groups:

  • Joint purchase (retail) of the means of production to reduce direct production cost;
  • Offering larger and homogeneous batch of high-quality produce;
  • Better relations with the customers willing to pay higher prices for products of pre-established quality standards, with the ensured quantity and continuity of deliveries;
  • Joint drying and storage of produce permitting to sell large batches when the prices are favourable;
  • Stronger partnership which strengthens market domination and enhances market monitoring (access to information);
  • Joint investment projects, introduction of new technologies, and promotion;
  • Organisation of trainings and marketing campaigns;
  • Exchange of experience;
  • Spreading the risk over all members of the group, joint problem solving and consultancy;
  • Financial benefits.


Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Department of Agricultural Markets

e-mail: sekretariatrr@minrol.gov.pl

Director: Bogumiła Kasperowicz

phone: +48 (22) 623-18-45

Deputy Director:

phone: +48 (22) 623-27-07


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